четверг, 19 ноября 2009 г.


С самого начала всё пошло наперекосяк. Задумывалось это мыло «фээрычно», получились кляксы :) . Это холодное мыло, а кляксы глицериновое мыло.

Не умею пока одновременно два мыла варить, опыта маловато ))
вот и результат Photobucket

2 комментария:

  1. Hello Катерина, whenever I see your soaps I am impressed and without words. The soap is beautiful and the designs is unique. How what you have done it?
    Kisses, and thank you for teaching us your works of art

  2. Hello Monica! thanks! :)
    in fact I have not got what I wanted. And doing so:
    I took a mold with a flat bottom, put a plastic tube (I have a diameter of 3 cm). She put in a mold soap mass (carefully! Inside the tube should not be this soap). Then I took another soap mass, placed inside the tube. And gently pulled the tube.
    and voila )) did not work )))


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